“What the ATAF Women In Tax Network does is try to address – since the.....

AWITN Leader Jeneba J. Bangura Appointed Deputy Finance Minister 1 in Sierra Leone
In a testament to the importance of women in tax, ATAF Women in Tax Network.....

Empowering Women in Tax as a Catalyst for Change in Africa
PRETORIA - It is time to intensify gender equality in the tax sector, African Tax.....

Feminist Economists From Africa Challenge Tax System Gender Bias
Recognizing that gender-based injustice stems from a host of public policy failures—including those related to.....

Taxation with a gendered approach: Improving equity and efficiency
The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) and the Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) co-hosted a side.....

Sierra Leone Domestic Revenue Mobilisation Is in The Hands of Women: Have No Doubt, We Will Deliver
By Jeneba J. Bangura, Commissioner-General Designate, NRA Barely three weeks after I was elected Vice-Chairman.....

The ATAF Women in Tax Network’s Leadership Dialogue attracted over 687 participants from Revenue Administrations,.....

Promoting new Leadership as South Africa’s First Female Tax Ombud
The appointment of Ms. Yanga Mputa as South Africa's first female Tax Ombud on July.....

Women in Tax: A Force for Change in Africa
Women are playing an increasingly important role in tax administration in Africa. They are bringing.....
Sierra Leone Domestic Revenue Mobilisation Is in The Hands of Women: Have No Doubt, We Will Deliver
By Jeneba J. Bangura, Commissioner-General Designate, NRA Barely three weeks after I was elected Vice-Chairman.....